An LED Style display control and bar control by Jason Hattingh.High resolution date and time class by Håkan Trygg.CButtonST v3.9 (MFC Flat buttons) by Davide Calabro.XTimer saves its settings to the registry in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\CodeProject\XTimer. The display will hold the last value displayed and will continue from the last value if you click on the Start button. If you click on the Stop button, it will change back to Start and the timer will stop running. The stopwatch/timer will begin running, and the Start button will change to Stop. After selecting the mode (and for the timer, the countdown time and sound options), click Start. XTimer.exe is self-contained and needs no other files (besides the standard MFC and system DLLs). If the Play until stopped option is selected, the caption will change to XTimer. You can choose to play the sound only once, or play it continuously (every 30 seconds) until the Stop button is clicked. To completely disable all sounds, uncheck Play Countdown Timer Sound. If the Play Countdown Timer Sound is checked but no wav file is selected, XTimer will play its default sound. The Timer Options Dialog allows you to set the countdown time and the wav file to be played when the timer expires. The Quick Timer sub-menu allows you to choose a time for the countdown timer, and will also automatically start the timer. You can also access the Timer Options Dialog.

When you change mode, the XTimer caption changes to reflect the mode you have set. The context menu allows you to choose the XTimer mode - stopwatch or countdown timer. There are three buttons on the main window: Start, which starts the timer/stopwatch and then changes to Stop Reset, which sets the timer back to the zero position and More, which displays the context menu (the context menu is also displayed by right-clicking on the window). Play once/Play until stopped - play the sound only once, or play it continuously (every 30 seconds) until the Stop button is clicked.Compact size - takes very little space on the desktop.