Once you contact the government agency that is holding your unclaimed money, for example the IRS if your unclaimed money is from a previous year’s tax return, you will need to confirm that you are who you are say you are. This will get the ball rolling as far as claiming your unclaimed money is concerned. If you do have unclaimed money in your name, you will be able to see the government account it’s being held in and you will be given contact information to allow you to get a hold of the proper government representatives. Once you conduct an search, you will be able to see within a matter of seconds whether or not you have unclaimed money coming to you. This is a search that takes but a moment, but one that could turn out to be quite lucrative for one in eight Americans.

This is why it is imperative for every American to conduct a free search using. The money would be much more useful in the hands of Americans who could use the money to help pay bills or to put food on the table. With billions of dollars in unclaimed money, you can see how attractive that would be to lawmakers who want to see an end to the unclaimed money problem. The way it would work is, the unclaimed money remains in an account for a certain number of years before it is absorbed by the government to use as it wants. The money could eventually become part of individual states’ or the federal budget if certain lawmakers get their way. The government must hold onto this unclaimed money for a certain number of years. Why Does The Government Hold Unclaimed Money? In these cases, the money is sent back to the company or government account where it originated before it’s sent to the government unclaimed money account that is in place for situations just like these.

A check is sent out from an old insurance payment or a utility deposit and the money never ends up reaching the intended recipient. Usually, unclaimed money becomes unclaimed when it’s lost in the mail. The government is holding onto unclaimed money that comes from a variety of sources. Where did this unclaimed money come from and why is the government holding it? More importantly, how do you claim that unclaimed money so that you can have it all to yourself once more. Did you know that the government may be holding unclaimed money that belongs to you? If you belong to the group of one in eight Americans that are owed unclaimed money, you might find that you are suddenly hundreds or even thousands of dollars richer.